Is there a certain time you post? I haven’t seen your stories for the past few months thinking you deleted your tumblr, but I look for you and I see all the great stories you’ve posted, but I haven’t read any since September. Idk whether I have followed too many people that you disappeared into the abyss or really idk. I haven’t blacklisted any tag nor have I unfollowed you… I LOVE your work, I just don’t know where it has been =(

Hello! What is going on D: I am so pleased you missed me though. I remember you as a follower, and I checked, you are following me. There is a chance that my posts get sucked into your dashboard, if you’re following a lot of blogs that post heavily. I am on Pacific Standard Time, as I live in California. I tend to post between noon and 8 pm ish. I rarely ever post after midnight, and midnight and 4 am is when the Late Night Ballet Reblogs happen (sometimes).

I am working on a feature that allows for e-mail updates, so this won’t happen again. Thanks for sticking around!


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