Posts I guess


Looks like a fundraiser

Lucas had thrived under training. His total acceptance to chastity made him into a permanent slut for cock and pleasing men. Why spend your life killing your self at a desk and suffering through years of office politics and nepotism to be well liked? Luke could make a man love him in mere minutes while on his knees. Ass-kissing, in his opinion, should be a literal thing.
When Lucas’s Master heard of a fundraiser being held at their local sex and leather store, He knew His boy would be right for the job. Lucas’s identity was hidden, his vision obscured, and his cock protected in case anyone from his old life happened to saunter in… wouldn’t look right if they saw a previous priest-in-training serving three men at once. Fine by Lucas, he went deep into headspace and almost wouldn’t come out. 

In two days, Lucas and two additional boys at the store raised double the financial goal in place for the local LGBT shelter and a private donor matched it. The center was getting by on a tight budget as is, but a recent rainy season had destroyed their roof and mold had been spotted due to the delays. For the teens in their shelter, there wasn’t anyone where else to go if the building was declared unsafe for habitation. Now, repairs could get done.

Lucas was overjoyed in being able to support his community, even if it was in a nontraditional way. Plus, his Master’s pleasure at his boy’s accomplishments had him puffed up like a rooster for days. Lucas got a big reward for this – an orgasm during sex, a week in his Master’s bed, and dinner of his choice. 

Lucas found the temporary freedom in the bedroom a tad wrong; it opposed his training and his place in his Master’s life – below Him and focused on Him. After the week passed, Lucas was ready to return to his life as a controlled sub and a slave in his loving home. He did hope to one day participate in another charity event, not so much for the gain, but the look of pride on his Master’s face was enough of a reward. Well, almost. The filet mignon was amazing.


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