

fag in danger of being denutted

The photographer here is contorted4life over at DeviantArt. The specific photo is here. What’s most amazing is that this and the rest of his photographers are self-portraits – yes, you read that right – he ties himself up and then takes the photographs with timers. What’s even more interesting is that he’s straight and wants to have a career shooting the female form… but damn, he makes beautiful self-bondage shots.



It was a year after my best friend from college, Zach, moved East, and a year before I got engaged to Emily. We’d going on a million hiking and camping trips in the Northwest but had always wanted to do a backpacking trip around Europe. I was between jobs, and Zach had accumulated some vacation time, so we said fuck it, why not? We were now in our early 30s, not our heavy-drinking college years, but it would be a blast, staying in hostels, taking night trains, couchsurfing, the whole lot. 

Only getting laid wasn’t as easy as we thought it would be. I think we had in our head that all we had to do was show up and magically hot Eastern European women would want to jump in bed with us. Not the case.

It wasn’t even our second night train before Zach and I started moaning about how horned up we were. I was wearing a T-shirt and briefs, Zach just his boxers and it was evident that we were sporting full erections. The amazing thing was we weren’t embarrassed or apologetic. It just felt natural. 

Zach broke the spell a little by speaking up. “Glad we could do this trip, bro,” he said softly. Already I was leaning in. Just like I did with a chick on the first date. First a gentlemanly peck, then a full French kiss. Zach kissed back, but between his bristle and the force I knew I wasn’t kissing a girl. It felt new, intense, and great. 

I was the first and to my knowledge only dick to penetrate my buddy’s asshole, and for the whole trip I was the one who did the fucking. It seemed to work for both of us, and weirdly for the next three weeks we had an experience I could only describe as romantic. After the trip, we went back to our normal lives, and that was OK too, but I’m glad I could bond with him and discover a new part of me. Of us.

Zach was the best man at my wedding of course, and after the bachelor party I rolled over on my stomach and let him fuck me. I wanted to see what the fuss was about. He kept whimpering and thanking me the whole time he pounded me and as he ejaculated, he grunted my name and told me he loved me.


Yes, it’s true that most men that dance ballet get tagged as gay despite the prominent number of heterosexual dancers. Even though homosexuality in ballet is a hot topic, the number of gay ballet productions is actually a pretty small number but they do exist.

In the mid 1990s, Matthew Bourne choreographed a retelling of the Russian ballet Swan Lake. Instead of a princess whom is transformed into a swan by an evil sorcerer and must be saved by her prince, Bourne’s version is more modern. It features a prince who falls in love with a male swan representing his freedom, but the prince is downtrodden by his borderline-abusive Queen and her evil cohort, her Private Secretary, until his mental anguish threatens to overtake him . It’s still a traditional classical ballet with a new jazz scene thrown as well. Over all, it’s very moving; I admit that I cried at the end.

The link above is the first act from a 1996 performance (hence the quality). The second act is HERE. They’re each about an hour long. If you want to actually see these men in flesh and feathers, yes, Bourne’s Swan Lake is STILL actively touring! Most of the tour dates are in Europe or Israel right now, so hopefully they’ll add more.

PS: A more recent trailer in damn good quality is here, and clips from the 2010 season with interviews is here.

I hate your blog so much! >:( and when i say hate i mean i hatr how ot distracts from doing anything productive online;) Love it and keep up the awesome work. Where do you find these gifs?

I hate your blog so much! >:( and when i say hate i mean i hatr how ot distracts from doing anything productive online;) Love it and keep up the awesome work. Where do you find these gifs?

I hate it too…doesn’t it know I have shit to do? Like work? and vacuum? and feed my birds? and browse Reddit until 3 am? Thank you for the compliments though, I’m so goddamn flattered when people message me.

To answer your question –  I find my gay gifs from a lot of places. sorrygirlsisuckcock is a great source, subnhou, beanschn, and masterboibinder are others. The best thing to do though is to really look at a post and see where they reblogged it from or what the source is. That’s where you find gold. I found a couple of my best gifs on a bedwetter/diaper fetishist’s Tumblr even though there’s no watersports in those pictures.

By the way – if you find a gif or picture you think has potential, please don’t hesitate to submit it to me!

Thanks for the message 🙂


He’s caught me looking at his ass, but why should I be ashamed? Everyone in this club is looking at it. The curvature is perfect, the vinyl shorts he’s wearing push them out for display. His cock in the front is wrapped up like a little Christmas present, so tight I can tell his religion. Those nipples are just begging for clips. What a cute young man, and he’s already wearing the right cuffs to be secured to a cross. I gaze around the room. Everyone wants him but no one is making a move. They’re waiting to see what I do – the Bull of the Bar they call me. I’m not very hairy, but I have a lot of muscle mass and the biggest dick in the place.

I lean over the bar and spear a toothpick with a couple maraschino cherries and stick it in the corner of my mouth before hopping off the bar stool and sauntering in his direction. I place a wide palm on that flawless ass before sliding it up his back, “Come on boy, let’s go play.” His eyes blaze at the invitation. God, I love the waiters here.