
Man, I think my hair is already thinning. Ugh. I feel so gross. I’ve been eating like crap lately. I look half dead. I don’t think this guy is gonna want to put up with me tonight. Probably should just save myself spending all this money, and eat Mac n Cheese instead of expensive bar food and beer. Michael sighed. He walked past the slacks and cardigan he’d tossed on the bed, toward the nightstand, and unplugged his phone from the charging cable. There was a text message waiting for him:
“Hi Michael. I know it’s silly but like I’m so excited for our date tonight. Looking forward to meeting you in person 🙂 I’m heading out soon!”
Michael did not know what to make of that. It was so foreign to him. Aiden’s looking forward to meeting me? He’s excited? Like…why on Earth. Michael’s fingers floated over the keyboard on his screen, trying to figure out what to type. Eating Mac n Cheese in his underwear was going to be a much more dour affair if it was overshadowed by the fact that he’d broken a boy’s heart tonight by cancelling the date. Aiden was cute…and talking to him had been like the only nice thing about his day lately.
“You’re actually excited to meet me?” Michael typed.
“??? Yeah? I mean, I’ve been enjoying talking to you a lot. Like, I don’t want to emotionally dump on you right now, but I’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately and sometimes our conversations just light up my day.”
Michael bit his lip. His finger hovered again. “I kind of feel the same way. Everything sucks lately but talking to you.” He exhaled. Somehow it was just easier to write the truth instead of making up bullshit. “Listen, Aiden. I have to be honest. I’m just not really feeling like I want to be in a crowded, loud bar n grille right now. Do you want to just come over, we can make Mac n Cheese, and hang out? I have Mario Kart…Uno…we could watch a movie maybe?”

Michael watched the “…” appear on his screen to indicate Aiden was typing. Michael was not expecting to feel butterflies in his stomach. The text message came through.
”Omg are you psychic? I have been totally craving mac n cheese lately. I feel you about the crowded bar thing. I’m so worn out from work, hanging out in a quiet apartment sounds so much better. Btw have you ever made Mac n Cheese from scratch? I have the ingredients, it’s totally bomb.”
Michael didn’t realize he was smiling. “You can make it from scratch?? That’s possible?“
“Yeah! It’s not that hard. And super good. My apartment’s next to a deli, I’ll pick up some ham on the way so we can make a meal out of it.” A second message followed. “Also you better be careful about offering to play Mario Kart because I will destroy you.”

Michael sat on the bed and shot back a response. Before he realized it, ten minutes had passed of back-and-forth texting.
Another message from Aiden popped up. “Ok, I think I have everything. I’m gonna head out. I’ll text you when I get there. Looking forward to seeing you!”
“Looking forward to seeing you too.” Michael sent it and lowered his phone. Huh. He looked over at the clothes he laid out. He swapped his khakis for comfortable jeans, and his sweater for a band tee and a favorite zip-up hoodie. Seemed like a much better outfit for cooking mac n cheese from scratch.
Oh shit. Michael suddenly thought of all the dishes in the sink and bolted to the kitchen to get them done. It had to look somewhat decent in here. A cute boy was coming over, after all. 

Captions are fictional.


Your thumb hovered over the ‘call’ icon. You hadn’t spoken to Lukas in nearly two weeks, since their last date. Well, if you could call it a date. More like just hanging out at a bar. But you found yourself wanting to call Lukas. You’d thought about him on and off over the past few days. There had been a connection between you too, a small spark. Your dates never seemed to go as well as you hoped though. You each were trying to be too perfect for each-other and could never quite relax. Both of you were still seeing other guys too. Not quite really sure what kind of relationship you wanted. Not to mention the fact that you two didn’t live particularly close.

You wonder if calling him meant you wanted to define a potential relationship with Lukas. Maybe you were just thinking too seriously about things. You watch the snow come down in the ray of the lights as if the answer was up there. Fuck, if you don’t move soon you’d have to dig the car out. You glance at your watch. Like it or not, the fact of the matter was that Lukas lives less than fifteen minutes away from the Boise Airport to your thirty five. The fatigue of travel begins to set in. You cave. You call.

It rings twice. “Um. Hello? Ashton?”

“Hey,” you say. “Sorry if I’m calling so late.”

“No it’s fine,” he says. And he says it like he meant it. “What’s up? How are you?” You may be hallucinating but Lukas sounded a bit hopeful even.

You mess with your coat zipper. It’s getting warm in here with the heat on. “I’m alright. Tired. Listen um, I’m at the airport right now. Just got back from a work trip. The snow’s coming down super hard, and I don’t think it’s safe to try and drive to Caldwell. I was gonna get a hotel somewhere in Boise but… you know…I was thinking about you recently, and well. It’s um. You know, I thought I’d ask. You can say no, I mean. I get it.”

“Oh,” Lukas says. There’s noise in the background. You think he’s walking around. It sounds like feet on a wooden floor. Then there’s a rustling noise. “Woah, it is coming down hard. A lot harder than it was earlier. Shit yeah, it’s not safe to be out on the highway in white-out conditions this late. Yeah, please come. I got some left overs from dinner if you’re hungry.”

You exhale. “That’d be amazing. I’m starving. Thank you Lukas, I really appreciate this.”

“Yea no problem. I’ll text you my address ok? Park next to me in the driveway.”

“Ok. Gotcha. See you soon.”

“You too. Bye.”

“Huh.” You dare to say that went well. A little nervous butterfly dances in your chest.

It takes you half an hour to make that short drive. Lukas greets you at the door wearing a bathrobe and sweatpants. The house smells like cinnamon and dinner and the warmth drew you in. You dust off the snow, drop your duffel bag, and a glass of decaf coffee with brandy is thrust into your hand.

Once you collapse into a chair, you never want to get up again. The brandy is like a heating coil in your veins. You have your eyes glued to Lukas in his bathrobe and his visible chest hair as he moves around the kitchen, reheating some food for you.

“Mnn hmm. I was in Chicago. Conference.” You hear yourself say. And some other things. God, is that what he looks like under his coat? Why couldn’t you have met him in the summer? Although, maybe he wouldn’t have that beard in the summer, and he looks good with it…it’s trimmed. But fluffy. You want to run your fingers through it…scratch it…

“Uhhh Ash?”

You blink. “Yeah?”

“You ok?”

“Yeah yeah. Just…worn out.” You stretch and groan. “This brandy is magical.”

Lukas chuckles. “Everyone says Coke and Jack is the best marriage, but brandy and coffee will always be top in my book.”

You raise your glass. “I concur this.”

Lukas gestures. “Come on, food’s ready. While you eat, I’ll prepare your room.”

You nod. You relocate. You eat. It’s delicious – better than the hotel food, conference room food, or airport food. Real rib sticking American cooking. Baked potatoes were grown locally too.

You must have let your guard down and looked particularly enamored, because when Lukas came back in the room you look up at him – and he considers you – and neither of you speak. He raises the corner of his mouth, leans against counter and gestures behind him. “The guest bedroom is made up but ah, if you want to sleep in mine…it’s an option.”

You set down the napkin. “I like that option.”

You are a bit surprised to find out hepreferred to bottom, but despite your exhaustion you take good care of Lukas. He earned it. Your mom taught you how to be a good guest after all and to thank your host for their consideration.

The next morning, you wake up to three feet of snow on the ground with more coming. You pee and go back to bed. You’re not going in to work anyway. Plus you have your duffel from the trip. No need to even go home. So…you don’t.


Captions are fictional.



Here comes The Sun.
Photo by @fluffypoppostcards

“Hi there, welcome to Sun Coffee. The usual?” Donovan chirped.
“Er. Er. Yes. You know my usual?”
“Chai with cinnamon, coconut milk. Medium.”
Evan flushed. “Yes. That’s it.”
Donovan rang him up. “$4.06.”
Evan passed over his card. “Here you go.” There was a moment of quiet as the card processed. “That uh, shirt looks good on you.”
Donovan smiled way too wide for a response. He could feel Katie’s gaze burning into the back of his neck. Yesterday’s conversation with the barista was still fresh on his mind:
“Another chai for our regular, Katie.”
“Ha, a regular? You know he wasn’t a regular before you got here.”
“He only comes in on days you work. …What? You never noticed?”
Donovan stared at her until a customer rang the bell at the counter and made him jump.  

“Ok sign here.” Donovan turned the screen around. Evan signed. “All set. Number 18.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
They looked at each-other. Donovan thought Evan was going to say something. Donovan raised an eyebrow. Evan turned pink again. Donovan thought it was pretty how the color showed up behind the freckles.
“Sorry. Nevermind.” Evan grabbed the metal sign with the 18 on it and went to his table. He looked defeated.

Donovan could hear Katie giggling behind him.
“He’s SO cute, but so pitiful. I can’t stand it. If you don’t take him, I will.”
Donovan made a face. “…I don’t think it works like that.”
Katie shrugged and made the chai latte. “Just saying. I mean, we like the money he spends, but he’s gonna go broke here if he hasn’t already. Have some pity on the poor heart-sick bastard. Either ask him out or put him out of his misery.”
Donovan held his hands up. “Alright alright.”
“I’m serious. Do we have more coconut milk in the walk-in?”
“There should be one behind the almond milk.”
“Aha. Found it.”
“Mm.” Donovan had a thought. He was busy writing something when Katie tapped him on the shoulder a few minutes later. She handed Donovan the finished drink and shooed him out on the floor.

Evan looked Donovan’s way, and his eyes went huge. He looked down at his phone at once. The way he was maniacally scrolling through Facebook in a panic almost made Donovan laugh. Donovan set the napkin and drink down on the table in a careful way. “There we go, enjoy your latte, Mr. Meade.”
Evan swallowed and gave Donovan a puppy gaze. “Thank you.”

Donovan walked back to the bar and wished he had eyes in the back of his head, so he could see Evan’s face when he noticed the phone number written on the napkin.

Captions are fictional.