
“What?” James asks, letting his hand hover over his rolls. I’m sure he’s thinking I’m mentally critiquing something about the way he’s holding chopsticks or eating his maki. When we go out for Japanese food, he always tries to impress me with his ease in adapting my culture and asks a lot of questions to get it right. But now, it’s not that.
I duck my face to hide my smile. “Nothing, nothing. I just…I like the view a lot. It seems stupid to say it loud but, I just realized that I could sit across from you like this for the rest of my life and be happy with it.  Only in the future, you’ll be wearing a button-up shirt, and then a polo, or maybe a cardigan, and …I don’t know. You’re still wearing a shirt from college.It just …feels like a beginning a guess.”
I busy myself with my miso, my face feeling hot.
James sets his chopsticks down and seems at loss for words.
“Seems stupid right?” I mutter, poking the tofu in the bowl.
“No no…it’s just-” James takes a sip of his water. “I was wondering if you’re psychic or something because I was thinking the same thing.”
My eyes widen. “Eh?”
“I mean, about sitting here with you. Well, not exactly. I was uh, trying to picture you in like traditional Japanese clothing…I don’t think you’d look good in a cardigan really.”

I laugh, freeing myself from discomfort. Now I can’t stop smiling. The words slip out of my mouth before I’m even aware I’ve thought them: “I love you, James.”
James puts his hand on the table on the rainbow scarf from today’s Pride, and I put my hand over this.
“I love you too,” James replies, trying out the words for the first time.

I feel like my heart’s going to explode. I suddenly want to kiss him very badly. I lean forward and James understands what I want. He lifts himself off the seat slightly and meets me halfway across the table. The kiss is gentle, sweet and warm, and then we sit back in our chairs and continue eating like nothing’s happened. Only now, we can’t stop grinning like idiots.

Text is fictional. This is Derek Binsack and this post isn’t an attempt to personify him or assume his sexuality (although I’m pretty sure he’s gay).


I go to our small fridge and kitchenette to start on breakfast. We’re just two college kids in a joint dorm room, but I liked to pretend I was keeping a neat apartment. I’ve been George’s official ‘companion’ since I was 13, since he had become too old for a governess. Even though he was passed 18 now, there was no way I was going to let him go off to university alone. I pull open the refrigerator door and blink.
“Oh Georgie,” I chuckle to myself. I pick the television remote out of the spot where a bottle of diet soda used to be. The plastic is cold. I walk back to the bedroom area, where George is sitting up but struggling to stay awake.
“Georgie, love?” I set the remote on the nightstand.
“I’m awake, I’m awake,” he mutters in his Hampton accent. He then yawns so hard his jaw cracks.
“No you’re not. Honey, I’m ordering you to go back to bed. You’re exhausted, pushing yourself so hard.”
“Nnnn can’t. I got class…” George fumbles for his glasses but knocks them off the table. He stares at them on the floor. “Damn.”
“I’ll call your friend Amy to take notes for you. You’re taking a huge class load this semester, you can miss English literature. Now come on.” I guide him backwards by the shoulder and he uncurls. “Come on. Into bed with you. Come on.” George grumbles, but he’s malleable under my direction. “That’s it now. Here’s your pillow.”
George latches onto his pillow and nuzzles back down to bed. “Aw yis, it’s still warm.”
I smile. “Now you rest. I’ll wake you for your chemistry class.”
“Mmmnnf. Dorian?”
“Yes Georgie?”
“Come snuggle with me.”

I smile. “You want me to snuggle with you?”
“You have to replace Bearington,” he slurs, nearly asleep.
I cluck. Poor lad, he’s losing it. Bearington was a large stuffed bear from his childhood that had not only fell apart, but was discovered that over one spring a mouse borrowed in and gave birth in it when Georgie was 14. We burnt it and buried Bearington’s ashes on his family estate.
“Well, I guess I can replace Bearington.” I don’t get under the covers because George tends to latch on, so I sit on top and stretch out next to him. George throws an arm over me and pulls me close, so my head is tucked under his chin.
“I’m glad you came with me,” he confesses, before falling back asleep.
I blush deep, even though he doesn’t see it. I don’t think George’s father would have let me go off to university with him if he knew George was gay. If only he knew how close we were…and how close we were becoming…  I felt very lucky indeed to watch my young charge grow up into a man. It would be a sad day when I handed him over to another man to marry, but some tiny private part of me hoped the one walking down the Georgie would be me.

I ended up not getting up after George dozed off. I just laid there, and thought about growing up with him, and what the future held. For the first time in years, I lost track of time, and when we both woke up, George was late for chemistry. 

Text is fictional.


“Congrats, you passed your Chem mid-term, read ahead on your English assignments, and you re-registered your car. You have been such a good boy this week, I think you definitely deserve my cock.”
Heath licks his lower lip, involuntarily. “Really? Really really? Been thinkin’ about it so much lately…”
I begin to undo my pants. “Hell yeah. Big prize for a good boy. Hell, you are a totally different boy than the one I met three weeks ago, drunk in a gay bar a night before your mid-terms, harassing men way out of your league, barely passing his classes… and what was the other thing?”
“Living on junk food,” he admits, sheepish.
“Yes, that. So amazing, the power the little device around your cock has. Kind of scary to think your free cock has such power over you.”
Heath shifts back and forth on his feet. “May I suck you now? Please?” he begged.
“Yes yes, sorry…just waxing nostalgic.” I move my hand to my wrist.
Heath interrupts me. “No. I mean, please, leave it on.”
I raise an eyebrow. “You like when it’s on?”
“Yeah,” he admits, looking every more impatient, “Cause it makes you look rich and respectful, and I find it kind of hot to serve a man with status. Plus you know, I love a man that feels confident enough to look fully dressed wearing only his underwear and his watch.”
I chuckle under my breath. “I love when you talk about me that way, but boy, you don’t make any kind of sense when you’re horny. Get on your knees now, and don’t come up until you’re rational again.”
“Yes sir! It…might be a while Sir.”
I smile at Heath and cuff him behind the neck. “Take your time.”

Text is fictional



he gets so horny knowing his big bro is sleeping above him

Zeke sighed and turned over his pillow, trying to get comfortable. It’s difficult to fall asleep with your foster brother masturbating underneath you. Only two more weeks until you move out for college, he reminded himself. Poor Norman. His foster brother had such a crush on him. Norman was so shy around Zeke, always plucking at his pants and then awkwardly making excuses to leave.

Late at night when he thought Zeke was asleep, Norman would lie awake and masturbate furiously – the only time he could get some alone time in their packed foster family’s house. He imagined that Zeke wasn’t sleeping above him, but on him, stroking his aching cock and telling him how huge it was, how sexy he looked. He imagined Zeke’s hips meeting his, about how their slick organs would rub together until they both spurted hard. After he came into a tissue, Norman would pet himself and ponder if he preferred to be a top or a bottom, what it would feel like to take a cock, or put one in another guy. Mostly, he thought about these scenarios with Zeke in them.

Norman didn’t know this, but Zeke had an inkling of what went on in that boy’s fertile imagination. He sighed again. The boy had an incredible refractory period and wasn’t stopping. He was going to be late for work tomorrow from oversleeping at this rate. Zeke thought, and decided to give Norman a little going away present.

Norman froze mid-stroke as he saw Zeke’s arm drop over the side of the bed. He barely dared to breathe, thinking he’d been caught. Being caught was a nightmare scenario. He squinted in the dark and realized that Zeke was holding something in his hands. It couldn’t be…?

Norman reached out and took it. Once his fingers touched the warm cotton, he knew exactly what it was. Emotions swirled – apparently he hadn’t been so secretive as he thought but this… Norman’s balls began to swell full of fresh seed.

Zeke muttered from above him: “I know. Say anything about this, I’ll fuckin’ kill you. Just hurry up and finish, I got work in the morning.”

Norman blushed crimson. Shit. Well, it was a gift from god and he wasn’t going to question it horned out of his mind. He pushed the warm crotch to his face and sniffed. His cock nearly burst, full of fresh blood. He began a third round of masturbation, suppressing his gasps and moans into the fabric. The bed was shaking, jerking, and Zeke was honestly trying not to laugh. It was kind of hilarious.

He heard Norman grunting and gasping along with the sounds of flesh smacking and his body disturbing the sheets – and Zeke coulda sworn he heard the splash of cum on his torso. Then, it stopped. Norman exhaled a loud sigh of contentment, plus a single “goddamn”, and after the rustling of tissues fell away, it was quiet. Pure quiet.

Zeke smirked in the dark, pleased with himself, then rolled over to fall asleep. The next two weeks were going to be awkward but it was going to be worth it just for a good night’s rest.

He never did get his underwear back.

Text is fictional. I think the source is here.


Harper glanced over his notes, confirming that the passage he found in the book would support would his argument in the paper. He was pleased with himself; the report was coming along nicely – he would get a top grade for sure. Cody would be pleased as well.

Harper enjoyed the results of his hard work, and blushed under his parent’s praise, but the approval of Cody meant the most. The first semester of college had been a horrible flop – free from his backwater town, suppressed Harper had been overwhelmed with all the men on campus. So many men, in so many shapes, sizes, and colors! He feasted in a frenzy of sex and dick, failing classes and getting an STD for his trouble.

Cody was the only one night stand to see how miserable he was –

“I can’t turn it off Cody! I’m horny all the time! Day, noon, night. All I think about is sex sex sex and more sex! When I’m taking notes, I’m hard, when I’m trying to do homework all I can think about is a masturbation break…and then my cock gets hard and I have to jerk off!”

Cody reassured him that he wasn’t going to flunk out, and that he had a magic solution. Harper loved the gentle, reassuring feeling of the cage around his dick. It did kind of suck that he couldn’t cum during sex anymore, but Cody milked him on a regular schedule so that was alright. It was just between the milkings that felt like forever. Like today, for example. He leaked constantly and was now. Recently, Harper kept having to bring a change of underwear to class with him or else he’d be soaked through by the end of the day.

Still, the humiliation and horniness was a good price to pay for focus. Chastity was better than adderall, and the sex was amazing. Harper was sure he was going to graduate with honors. He bit off a moan as he felt another thick drop tickle the tip of his sensitive cock as it gathered, then fall, and seep into his underwear. Yeah, the waiting between milkings sucked a lot. Harper sighed and turned his attention back to his paper. He didn’t want to bother Cody by begging for release too much. It showed weakness. Once he got this paper done through, asking for a reward for doing all his homework early was not out of the question.

Text is fictional. Source is Corbis.