Tag: summer

  • Jared nudged Gideon’s knee and gave him his warmest smile. “Thanks for getting me a beer.”“Not a problem. I had to get up anyway.” Gideon glanced at him from the corner of his eye as he poked the fire with a stick. The light from the fire danced off Jared’s biceps, throwing shadows in the…

  • “Hey do you see that?”“What?”“Is that a shark?”“What? Where?”“OM nom nom nom shark attack!”“aaaaaahhahaha! Ack, your tongue is in my ear!” “Will you two stop being so adorkable and hurry up already? The seagulls are going to steal your chips.”

  • The chilly water laps at our ankles as we stand close with our foreheads touching. His skin is warm and brown from spending it broiling under the big yellow ball in the sky; he smells lightly of sunscreen, of bug spray, and the lake. I only know his name and he’s from Roxford, about 50…