Tag: men fucking

  • Magnus was a tough motherfucker. He drank Everclear straight, with a little maraschino cherry. He preferred the rest of his liquor on fire. Over half his wardrobe was made from hides of animals or raw denim. He favorite band was Die Toten Hosen and he listened to Rob Zombie to calm down. He was also…

  • The art world is buzzing about the newest avant-garde art installation at the Homme Gallery. It’s called “The Male Orgasm” and it’s interactive. The exhibit is in its own room; only one patron may enter at a time. Undressing is optional, but critics say that being nude brings a deeper appreciation and understanding of the…

  • porno-graph:      When they were fucking, they acted like they were lovers. They would kiss and be very concerned about the pleasure they were giving, not just trying to get off. The rest of the time they were just buddies, not really even best friends. They played sports, took classes, went to bars.   …

  • No touching…there, hold onto the bed like that. That’s a good boy. Let me work your mouth, cock, ass at the same time, that’s it…give your control to me. Give your body for me to use boy…I’ll make you feel amazing.

  • Some songbird up in that tree is turnin to the other and sayin, “Dude, LOOK! Down there! Humans are mating! Quick, call the rest of the flock, they’re gonna wanna watch this.”   I imagine 10 minutes later the bottom looks up and realizes that like 50 small birds are intently watching them fuck.

  • “Does it feel good takin’ a big daddy’s cock up your tight hole? I know you’re whinin’, but there’s still a couple more inches left…here, lift your neck up and arch your spine. No not like that! Like this.” –grabs him by the throat- “Nnng! Yessss, now it’s in all the way. Good boy, you…

  • femme4masc: Don’t just bounce up and down. Never just bounce up and down (unless he wants it). Learn to ride. You’ll love it. He’ll go crazy. Oh yes.