Tag: happy ending

  • noodlesandbeef: While exploring Toronto I took big pup to catch a very special movie at a local theater. I took him to see our movie. I had rented out the entire theater, made movie posters, had tickets printed up, and created a feature length about our life together. From when we first met to our…

  • When August answered the door, his brain momentarily short-circuited. That looked like Ephraim. It looked exactly like Ephraim…but Raimy was back in Indiana. There was no reason logical reason or explanation for him being in Bahrain, especially not in time for August’s 28th birthday. Last year, he had to spend his 27th at sea spent…

  • “Hello =D”“Er…hello…Where am I?”“You’re in the Waiting Room,” the one on the right answered in the same perky voice.“The Waiting Room? Woah, you have wings? Does that mean you’re -?”“Angels? Yep. I’m Michael, that’s Daniel behind me. He’s a trainee.”“Oh fuck. Oh fuck, have I …am dead. I’ve died haven’t I?”“Yep. They just lost you…