Tag: gay sex

  • Will you two just get married already? Gosh.

  • porno-graph:      When they were fucking, they acted like they were lovers. They would kiss and be very concerned about the pleasure they were giving, not just trying to get off. The rest of the time they were just buddies, not really even best friends. They played sports, took classes, went to bars.   …

  • No touching…there, hold onto the bed like that. That’s a good boy. Let me work your mouth, cock, ass at the same time, that’s it…give your control to me. Give your body for me to use boy…I’ll make you feel amazing.

  • What? Don’t judge me. If cowboys want to spend their rodeo winnings on sex, cards, and booze, might as well be offering a pussy, a table, or bottles. Plus, have you ever gotten fucked by a man that rides bulls? It’s not something you forget easily.

  • tchoor: Older brother teaching the secrets of sex  Follow me please:  www.tchoor.tumblr.com

  • “Hey,” he grinned, posing in my window like some sort of over-sized Peter Pan.“How..how did you get up here?” I gasped, “In your underwear at that…”“I was a monkey in my past life.”My eyes roved over his trim body and heavy bulge in his pants. I’m a rather famous actor in the ‘States and came…

  • There’s a sweet spot when the bottom you’re fucking just opens up and embraces your cock, matching your rhythm so you only have to do half the work for twice the pleasure.

  • A popular sorority at Mayburn University had thrown an LGBT support & awareness party and it was the place to be that Friday night. With so many different sexualities mingling in one place, it was also the number one spot to get laid. Xavier went there with that intention. He had a huge crush on…

  • Some songbird up in that tree is turnin to the other and sayin, “Dude, LOOK! Down there! Humans are mating! Quick, call the rest of the flock, they’re gonna wanna watch this.”   I imagine 10 minutes later the bottom looks up and realizes that like 50 small birds are intently watching them fuck.

  • xyxykentucky: fromhead2toes:      My stepbrother Grant was not my favorite person. Our parents hadn’t married until we were both seniors in High School, and we tended to be competitive. When we went to the University, we were forced to stay in the same apartment. Our blended parents reasoned that there was no point in…