Tag: dat body

  • scottsbluelife: Circus Men… Visited by cupid, dressed in blue and white for the winter. (Photographed by Justin Monroe.)

  • bgawne27: I want to source this, but I can’t remember where it’s from 🙁 It does not belong to me, however.  As a little boy growing up in England, all Thad wanted was to run away to the jungle and be like Tarzan. No more homework. No more oatmeal. No one stiff church clothes. When…

  • ladansetreschic: Friedemann Vogel for a fashion campaign That sash of fabric doesn’t look it could hold his weight, yet he looks so elegant.

  • ladansetreschic: Friedemann Vogel Hmm this one should be called “The Lament of Icarus”, methinks.

  • He didn’t know I was awake yet. I hadn’t moved, still curled up with mt sheets and my pillow. From my vantage point, I had an excellent view of my boy dressed in his minimal uniform. He was so lovely all back-lit from the morning light, clutching the muslin curtains as he murmured his daily…

  • Is there a black-rumped swan? Cause there is now. Wow.

  • bondcyberrole: in the spirit of the season i wish you the fun and the joys of unwrapping whatever horny fantasies you may wish to have in the days ahead. thank you for following me and best wishes for 2014. Why on Earth does Mattel not sell a Holiday Ken doll like this? Someone should submit…

  • tightsfan87: Vinicius S.  When you’re down at his feet, you can only gaze up in reverence at a true master of the stage. (Wish I could find more information on this dancer. He looks killer sexy in black leggings and a bulge. This is it for late night dance reblogs tonight~)

  • Taavi jolted in bed up right, clasping his sheets to his chest. He felt something warm and wet between his legs and a quick peek confirmed he’d ejaculated in his sleep. He touched the wet fluid in muzzy confusion – he hadn’t had a wet dream in years. Why was he dreaming of Ivar? And…

  • Dancing in the rain …in his birthday suit?? Photo by Walter Kurtz.