Author: ccallenreese

  • gaysomecomic: 33. Shy boy This is so adorable. The BDSM side of Tumblr has polluted my brain though and my first thought was that someone needs to get this shy boy into chastity and get his cum under control. Thanks, Tumblr.

  • [Sequel to Egg Gets Rehomed] Egg paused between rows of apple trees and gazed out to where they vanished into the misty horizon. The first efforts of frost on the grass crunched under his leather slippers. The sun was barely past the horizon, the hour early. Egg took a deep breath of the crisp, fruit-scented…

  • There’s a sweet spot when the bottom you’re fucking just opens up and embraces your cock, matching your rhythm so you only have to do half the work for twice the pleasure.

  • Down down set me free! / There is one thing I know to be true / When you overwork yourself, then it seems your future slowly disappears / Bye bye throw away those cheap speeches / Something drives me crazy but nothing can stop me / All night long…Hot Fashion!!_______________________ Adapted and translated from the…

  • “Hello =D”“Er…hello…Where am I?”“You’re in the Waiting Room,” the one on the right answered in the same perky voice.“The Waiting Room? Woah, you have wings? Does that mean you’re -?”“Angels? Yep. I’m Michael, that’s Daniel behind me. He’s a trainee.”“Oh fuck. Oh fuck, have I …am dead. I’ve died haven’t I?”“Yep. They just lost you…

  • Stuff

    The post I lost has been rewritten and is queued to go up in like four hours or so. I stretched the width of my layout so there’s less lines of text. I still cannot figure out how to center images. The tag list now works! You can access it by clicking the link in…

  • bondcyberrole: TOPIC: four college buds sharing a cabin rental together are about to change clothes and hit the few bars in the small resort town nearby. two will get lucky, finding the perfect piece of tail and spending the night elsewhere. one will go back to the cabin drunk and sadly horny from a futile…

  • Noooo

    Omgod I wrote the most beautiful caption but Tumblr had a hiccup and didn’t save my draft. I have to leave in like 10 minutes so I don’t have time to rewrite it ;_;. I have to remember it all for four hours! Argh!

  • I started the sophomore year of college single. I quickly noticed this jock lookin’ guy in my advanced chemistry class. He looked like a bruiser, with this captivating profile and sexy, solid build dotted with questionable tattoos. Very distracting. Pensive, focused. A couple weeks into classes, I was packing up when I heard him approach…

  • He’d been such a good slave lately that I rewarded him on the anniversary of signing our contract. He couldn’t believe his eyes when I gave him his breakfast dish – fried honey ham pieces drizzled in maple syrup, eggs with bell pepper pieces with a squiggle of-ketchup, and fresh peach slices bathed in cream…