Hello, Sir! I was wondering if you can recommend other blogs to follow like yours? Pretty please 🙏 I need more on my dash.


Haha I can list some of the blogs I follow, not a problem.

@kinkythingsilike @kinkythingsiwrite @thedominantdaddyblog @submissiveboyfantasies @nesubmissive @submissive-mind @goodmorningohio @milk-me-hard @subinblue @boyowned @thegayboybible @daddysboyslut @ejaculate-glitter @flashdoggy @kb4y @dirtydaddythings @sweetheartbeatoffroadmusic @perceptivedominance @serviceorientedsub @betabreeder @bredbeta @torontopup @temptingdominance @thekinkygrad @daddiesandtheirboys @theomegaboy @biggtoppdadd @story-boi @allbecauseoftheboys @gayboykink @the-kinky-bf @bookofbaitnate @damienxazure

There ya go, anon. These are all the kink blogs I follow. They’re all pretty popular so you probably already know most of them, but if for some reason you haven’t heard of some of these, I suggest checking them out.

Someone is talking about me :3 Thanks @sadisticazazel! All good choices on that list tbh.


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