A note on writing

Some of you (probably like five) are wondering why I haven’t released anything in long form for a while. Like over a year. I was wondering that myself, since I have a lot of ideas. I realized that I didn’t have a good tool to write with. My personal laptop was too distracting. My travel laptop (remember netbooks?) was older, heavy, and a cracked hinge made it hard to open; plus there was an issue with RAM that made it run slow. A couple months back, I acquired a low-end tablet as part of a promotional deal with Verizon when I upgraded my phone, and started realizing its potential. 

I bought a keyboard case, but it was a poor product so I returned it. The holidays happened and I got distracted… and I checked Amazon a few days ago, and a very nice one was on sale. So now I have a decent portable keyboard case for my tablet. I can take it and write anywhere, get internet anywhere, and it’ll sync to my Dropbox. 

I have a feeling this is going to be a game-changer. Now, all I need to do is replace my busted headphones and build up my Spotify account. Let’s see what happens! 


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