Posts I guess

It’s 2 am and the party is winding down. I need to leave soon – 10 am classes and all –  but I can’t find my roomie anywhere. I’m a tad worried. I brought him here because I knew a lot of gay guys were gonna be here, and I wanted him to feel comfortable in his new-found sexuality. I’d never forgive myself if someone raped him, or worse, kidnapped him and then raped him. Gorram it, where is he?

I jog up the stairs to the second floor of this McMansion, cursing it’s unnecessary amount of rooms. Bathroom? Nope. Closet? Nope, just one pissed off cat. The first bedroom is emitting light from under the door. I open it and find a pile of girls asleep on the bed. Weird, but nope. I walk to the end of the hall and pause in front of the second bedroom door. Green light? Wait, that’s smell? Weed, oh that makes…sense.

I push the door open, bracing myself for the wave of skunky smoke and bewildered stares of stoned frat boys…. but what I see inside blows my mind. There was my roommate alright, and two other boys – one being my younger step-brother and the other I did not know – in the middle of an intense threeway orgy of frotting and fucking. My jaw drops. I can see someone’s dick but I can’t tell whose it is. Wow, they are really going at it. They didn’t even pause when I opened the door. Heat spreads across my cheeks and my cock twitches in my pants. Goodness gracious.

I pull out my wallet and remove the condoms I put in there earlier and set them on the nightstand. As I back out slowly. It feels like I’ve trespassed into the lair of some nocturnal animal and am trying to appease it with an offering while simultaneously not catching its attention. With great delicacy, I tip toe out of the room and coax the door shut, returning the doorknob to its resting position without a sound. For a moment, I just stand there absorbing it all.

“Congrats, buddy, what a way to lose your virginity,” I say under my breath, a little smirk on my face. I whistle as I trot down the stairs and head home alone.


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