
Our school would not allow gay couples at prom… so drove out to the sea with some pilfered alcohol and cheap plastic crowns we found at the dollar store instead. It was uncharacteristically hot for that time of the year, so we stripped off our shirts and had a slow dance to music playing from his car speakers. He let me rest my head on his shoulder, my chest pressed to his, and we danced like that for hours until our legs ached. Then, he laid me down on a blanket in the back of his truck and made love to me for the first time. The stars were beautiful that night.


I’m a bisexual nudist, but my roommate Akira’s so straight-laced he makes a corset look conservative. Yet, he didn’t mind responding to my ad on Craigslist for a discounted room. Said my nudity was my own business.
As he settled in, we developed an odd sort of friendship. Then, the prank wars began. He started it, but I had to end it. It was worried I couldn’t come up with a good finale, but the joke presented itself. Akira would often walk around or watch TV after a shower wearing a towel around his waist for like an hour, which was comical to me as he was such a prude. It was the perfect revenge prank. Akira had incredible reflexes though, so for two months I was unable to snipe the tightly tucked fabric.

I decided that my tactics weren’t working and it was time to shift into a one-man assault team. On a Wednesday afternoon, everything fell into place. I overheard him talking to his girlfriend on the phone, saying that sure! she can come over now. I watched him….yes…yes…yes! as he went to go take a shower. The bathroom for his room was right off the hallway, so I had a good view from my desk in my room.

I grabbed my weapon and waited patiently outside the bathroom door. Ten minutes later, he opened it and – WOMF! I hit him smack in the chest with a sham pillow. Akira yelped and put up his hands in defense, and in that moment of weakness I yanked on his towel. It’s down! I finally got it! Aw, it’s a cute penis. Akira looked up at me at shock. I was grinning like a fat kid in a candy store. “Prank war over, victory is mine!”

“I’m going to kill you!” he screamed at me, taking a moment to pick up his towel before chasing me around the apartment. “You are so dead!” He tried to snap my legs with the towel, but when that didn’t work he threw it at me. Unbeknowst to me, Akira had a little wrestling experience back in high school and had no problem tackling me to the floor in the living room. I was still laughing so hard I was almost crying.

We tussled for a bit, but then I rolled over onto my back and he took that moment to pin my arms to the carpet, looming over me on all fours. Checkmate. “You lose,” he said a bit breathlessly, but his words seemed unfocused. My laughter died off. He looked at me, I looked at him. The air was heavy with the scent of his soap and my sweat. I was also half erect from all the excitement. He noticed it, then sat on my thighs so he could take the weight off his hands. I didn’t say a thing as he began to stroke me. It felt rather nice actually. I just rested there still, watching Akira pet my chub, listening to my breath quicken. By the time I was fully hard he was too. He pushed his hips forward so our straining cocks were parallel. Akira’s eyes were glazed as he began to rub us with both hands with quick, dainty motions.

I had had intercourse before, and lots of experience with foreplay, but at moment I had never experience a more sexy, carnal moment between two almost-strangers. I groaned and bit my lip; I was close. We were making so much pre-cum that Akira kept losing his grip. “I’m..I’m coming,” I hissed and with a moan, ejaculated onto my stomach. Akira came a moment later while sliding his cock against my own. It was then that he seemed to swim out of the fog, first staring incredulously at the mess on his hand before switching his gaze to me in surprise.

Before Akira could say anything to explain away what had just happened, the doorbell rang. His girlfriend was early.


chasteslvdog: Sir, Please let me cum, Sir……..

chasteslvdog: Sir, Please let me cum, Sir……..

“Does it feel good takin’ a big daddy’s cock up your tight hole? I know you’re whinin’, but there’s still a couple more inches left…here, lift your neck up and arch your spine. No not like that! Like this.” –grabs him by the throat- “Nnng! Yessss, now it’s in all the way. Good boy, you took that entire huge dick up your tiny ass, right to the hilt! I didn’t think it would fit.” –kisses him on the temple- “Oh yeah baby, so tight and hot, your deep pussy feels fantastic, yes, clench again around me like that. Work your ass muscles, milk my cock with your ass. Just like that…good boy…now daddy’s going to ride you. You can cry out if you need to, but I will warn you – that’ll just make me hornier.”

Rob hears the bathroom door slam and lock behind him; he spins around around and his eyes go wide at the man who is in there with him. “So I heard you bitchin’ to your campy little friend at the bar that you’re into sucking cock lately but everyone you know has these tiny dicks. Well you got five seconds to give appreciate my cock and low-hangers with the best goddamn tongue bath of your life or I’m going to bend you over that sink and fuck you dry.”


Good mornin, beautiful. That’s a nice cat stretch. Showin’ off your chastity belt for me? Your balls look nice and full. Come over here, let me see if you’ve leaked any during the night. Mmm yes, you’re quite sticky. Let me get you a pee pad so you can relieve yourself and I’ll just clean you up all once. Ah ah no protesting, I know what’s best. Be good, and I’ll let you suck me under the table while I eat breakfast. I’ll be right back.


A selection from Saude & MacMillian’s Behaviors of the Gay Male textbook, page 49:
Here, we see a young teen slut that has won the attention of a slightly older male. He drew him in with loud moans as he humped a pillow on this sofa, then once the male sat, he quickly crawled onto his lap to continue rubbing against his thigh. This older one has accepted the proposition and has pushed down his underwear to place a hand on his ass. This sends a signal to any other men that might be around that this slut is his. He begins the sexual courtship by kissing. If the kissing style pleases the slut, then the slut will hint this by placing his partner’s hand over his penis and beg him to pet it. This one might be too young to offer his virginity yet, but bouts of play like this give boys an idea of who they will let breed them when they are ready.


My sister was a ballet dancer until about age 12, when she lost interest and went over to cheer-leading. As her older brother, I never had any reason to go into her room…except to gaze at this poster on her wall. I don’t know what his name was, where he lived, even if he was still alive, but at that point in my young adult life it was the most captivating image I’ve ever seen.
It’s erotic, stimulating even, but it’s almost too sacred to sully by masturbating to it. The subject’s lack of body fat combined with the lighting reveals every curve and line of the male body. His legs are engorged from exercise, his arms mere branches of sinew, tendons, and bone. He’s posed himself impossibly on his toes. I always thought he looked more like a fairy in mid-landing than an actual mortal person striking a pose. I later learned that men rarely ever go on pointe, which only heightened my fascination with this photograph.

I came home from community college one day to find my mother and sister cleaning out her room. She was almost a teenager and done with pink, kittens, and polka dots. I checked in on them and nearly screamed when I saw the poster was gone. I was too chicken to ask where it went. I dreaded they had balled it up, folded and creased it beyond rescue, then shoved it into a garbage bag.

I waited impatiently until everyone had gone to bed that night before I snuck outside to the trash waiting on the curb. I lifted the lid on the can and nearly melted in relief. There it was. Rolled, sitting on top of plastic trash bags. The corner was torn and there were pushpin holes through the others. Thank god! I plucked it out, then stole back up into the house and up the stairs with my prize.

Years later, I ended up meeting and marrying a male ballet dancer. When he was gone on a tour of Europe, I found this poster in the back of a closet. I had it framed and hung in our living room. When my husband came home he saw the picture and smiled, “How did you know I was a fan of Stein?”
“Stein?” I asked, “Is he the dancer?”
“No, love, he’s the photographer. He’s one of my favorites.” He kissed me, “Thank you for the welcome home gift.”
I just went along with it. That was my poster and it always would be.


Dance by Vadim Stein