
A popular sorority at Mayburn University had thrown an LGBT support & awareness party and it was the place to be that Friday night. With so many different sexualities mingling in one place, it was also the number one spot to get laid. Xavier went there with that intention. He had a huge crush on the vice president of the Gay Student Alliance, Jeremy, but was too shy to ask him out of fear of rejection and a short list of experience. Xavier had a beer to loosen up, and even found a little courage to flirt with him. Inspired by his own boldness, he flirted harder, and harder, until he was grinding against Jeremy’s thigh as dance music blared.

By the time midnight rolled around, Xavier was beginning to grow exasperated that his crush hadn’t made a move on him yet. Not even an ass grab! He bitched to his friend Lindsay about what he was doing wrong. Lindsay, in all her intoxicated wisdom, yelled over the music, “Just ask him to fuck, Jesus!” and them stumbled off to find that cheerleader she’d been eyeing earlier. Xavier watched her go, stunned. Well that was… that might just work.

He found Jeremy downing a glass of cup of water in the kitchen, all flushed from dancing in the hot living room. Xavier marched right up to him, kissed him hard, then stated, “I want you fuck me.” It sounded fierce, but his hands were trembling. Jeremy’s eyes went wide. He’d been flattered by Xavier’s attention that evening, but had been unsure if the man was humping him because of alcohol or because of actual interest. That solved that question. “Really?”
“Yes. I’ve been wanting you to fuck me since like last semester.”
“….You got a condom?”
“Jeremy, this is a sorority house. There’s condoms fucking everywhere.”

They slipped upstairs, shedding clothes as they went. They made it into an empty bedroom and fell to the floor, grinding away at each-other. Jeremy found condoms and baby oil in the bathroom. He dove back to the floor, eager to get his hands on Xavier’s erect thick cock and body toned from tennis. God, he had the cutest testicles he’d ever seen..

They had sex right there on the carpet, door half open, in plain view of any giggly party-goers who were trying to find the coat room. Jeremy didn’t care though. Being in buried in Xavier’s vice-like ass was heaven.

At around 4 am, Lindsay went to find her long-lost cohort. She found him and Jeremy spooning, naked on the bedroom floor, completely zonked out. She took a picture and left them there to sleep.


chasteslvdog: Slave’s body is now reprogrammed to show his “hard on” most of the…

chasteslvdog: Slave’s body is now reprogrammed to show his “hard on” most of the…




     My stepbrother Grant was not my favorite person. Our parents hadn’t married until we were both seniors in High School, and we tended to be competitive. When we went to the University, we were forced to stay in the same apartment. Our blended parents reasoned that there was no point in paying for 2 separate places.

      He started in almost immediately, naked in front of me at every opportunity. I didn’t know if he was really sure I was Gay, but he seemed to be daring me to do something. It was a game of chicken, with my giving in to my lust on one side and his teasing me on the other. He would get up and shower and put on his shirt, then brush his teeth, or sit on the couch in an open robe, things like that.

     We were actually having a good time one night, drinking and smoking a little weed. It was summer, and so hot we were just sitting in the kitchen in athletic shorts, doing shots.  I looked him dead in the eye. “Dude, what is it with you waving your ass in my face all the time? You think I’m going to just go for it because you show it off?”

      HIs voice was heavy with whisky: “No, man. I was just trying to get you to fuck. I thought about making a pass, but I was afraid you’d reject me.” I listened incredulously, and very slowly our hands were on each others legs, thighs, crotches. I touched his muscled chest and ran my fingers over his nipples and into his armpits. I kissed his mouth until he kissed back. His hands were on my back, running down the back of my shorts. His fingers teased my moist, tight hole. 

      His skill at touching another man overwhelmed me. After that, Grant and I were very close, bonded for life. You can see a man, even naked, a million times and never really understand what’s in front of you.  

This is smokin’ hot. Also, I love how the jock in this photo is standing on the balls of his feet to show off that ass better.


“Oh that was a loud groan. That feel good, big stud? Your full balls are nice n tight. Well, I guess three days of edging has that effect. Ah, there we go… come for me…wow, you made such a big load with only just a couple strokes! And you said on the internet that faggots are gross, that men shouldn’t touch each-other sexually, and how wrong and disgusting it was… and here you ejaculating because of one! Funny how life works. Well, you’re going to get your wish though. Once that chastity device goes on, we’re only to take it off once a month for cleaning.”

The captor was right. By day three of arousal restriction, the young stud would dream of that strong hand milking his cock and giving him release. His own dick would in response swell up against the cage’s confines, leaving him frustrating and full of self-hatred.


He jogs past my house six days a week, always at 8:38 sharp.. He must be a long distance runner because I’ve never see him any of the local shops. I always am on my porch with my tea, waiting for him. He’s totally gorgeous, lean and muscular, always sweaty. Ok, I have a little man crush alright? One of these days I swear I’ll talk to him, ask if he needs water or something, but I’m terrified that what’s going to come out of my mouth will be, “Hey do you want to use my shower?” I’m even slightly more worried that he’ll say yes because all the blood will run to my cock and I’ll faint on the porch, probably get a sexy concussion in the process. So, I’ve started leaving those little 8 ounces bottles of water on the sidewalk for him. The first time he picked one up and waved at me, I almost squealed. God, why does he make me feel like a teenager again?
