Just saw your post about Asks, had a follow-up question for you: By using feminine words to dehumanize your ‘fag self’ – such as pussy for example- do you think that this implies that being a woman or being feminine in an insult or a negative thing? I understand that you might not be misogynistic, but you can’t get your headspace without some misogynistic tenancies . How do you feel about this? How do you think your female follows feel? (lol this sounds like a textbook question, sorry.)

Just saw your post about Asks, had a follow-up question for you: By using feminine words to dehumanize your ‘fag self’ – such as pussy for example- do you think that this implies that being a woman or being feminine in an insult or a negative thing? I understand that you might not be misogynistic, but you can’t get your headspace without some misogynistic tenancies . How do you feel about this? How do you think your female follows feel? (lol this sounds like a textbook question, sorry.)


yes, i think it totally does imply that there’s something wrong with being a woman. at the root of pretty much any kind of homophobic or emasculating remark is deep-seated misogyny. it’s a part of me, and i hope it doesn’t manifest in any part of me other than my fag self. usually i tell myself that the way i have sex, as problematic as it might be, is no one else’s business because controlling the way adults have consensual sex is also oppressive (keywords: adults, consensual).

i do acknowledge that what i enjoy is unfortunately the effect of living in a society born in and still ruled by very patriarchal and racist institutions (not the “natural order of things” as many doms/subs or masters/slaves might say). but sometimes simple acknowledgement doesn’t feel like enough. the obvious action to take following acknowledgement would be to stop the oppressive language. being in chastity and getting fucked aggressively can still happen without the power play, but…it just all just feels so much better with it. that’s my deeply ingrained misogyny and racism operating there, and i’m left in an ongoing state of ambivalence. i don’t know how my female followers (if i have any) feel, and i’m not going to try to speak for them. if anyone has anything to say i’m always open to dialogue.

What a thorough,cognizant response; it answers the question without being combative or defensive. Who-ever controls this sub shouldn’t waste his head on blowjobs. I wouldn’t mind a column by this boy.

Any female users want to contribute?

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